• Culture

Why team gifting is more important than ever

July 1, 2022
2 min read

How to make team gifting REALLY count

When is a gift not a gift? 🤔 When it doesn’t take into account their relationship, or reflect the values of the receiver. 

The purpose of employee gifting is to foster connection, and make the recipient feel special, seen and appreciated. So a good gift should feel personal and specific to the person you’re sending it to.

In this new age of remote and disconnected workforces, genuine employee gifts are more important than ever before.

Let’s unwrap why…

Recognition – and celebration!

This is how most teams come to gifting: as part of staff recognition, and to mark special occasions throughout the year. A well-timed gift is an incredibly effective way of boosting morale and increasing motivation, whether you’re marking a personal or professional milestone. It shows you’re constantly thinking of your team – down to each individual, if it’s a birthday – and you’re always appreciative of their efforts. 👍

From promotions to work anniversaries and ‘we can’t believe you smashed those targets/deadlines moments, there are so many worthy causes for celebration at work.


Gifts to spark connection

Gifts are also a thoughtful way to share company values with your employees. But forget the ballpoint pen branded with a corporate slogan – you’ll be amazed how many different forms this kind of gift can take! For example, if your organisation places value on kindness and compassion, a gift which includes a charity donation or enhances your colleagues’ environment like flowers 💐 or a potted plant 🪴 will reflect these values for additional impact.

Inexpensive team gifts can be incredibly meaningful if they symbolise something you share together, and can be a simple, effective way to build a positive company culture.


Be present, give presents

As our understanding of the workplace and workforce expectations grows, especially over the last two years, there’s opportunity to bring about real change within employee relations. More and more we’re hearing from teams and managers that work life balance ⚖️ is a cycle, rather than an achievement. A key factor in employee appreciation is acknowledging an individual’s time – both their working hours, and the moments we share together as colleagues.

Experiential team gifts for work, whether it’s a group meal or some cinema tickets, give employees a chance to step back, unwind and appreciate the here and now.


Unwrap the bigger picture

At the heart of it, meaningful gifting is about knowing your workforce personally.  If you’re stuck for team gift ideas, invest some time asking your teams what they enjoy – from individual hobbies to shared team interests. Pay attention to the in-jokes and Slack chatter, you never know what element of company culture might spark some gift inspiration. ✨

Most of all, it’s about people feeling seen and appreciated for who they are, which is where the option for recipients to choose their own gift can really make a difference. However you choose to treat your team – whether it’s a Monday morning pick-me-up, or a gift that helps them socialise when you can’t be together – you can’t go wrong if you gift mindfully, regularly and from the heart. 🧡